Direkte seun van Sir Parker Manso JDH. Bied 'n besonderse melksyfer aan van +7 sowel as goeie groei. Die bul het besonderse diepte, baie goeie agterkwart, sterk manlike kop en goeie toplyn. Fase D getoets met 'n GDT van 118. Direct son of Sir Parker Manso JDH. Offers a remarkable milk figure of +7 as well as good growth. The bull has exceptional depth, very good hind quarters, a strong masculine head, and a good topline. Phase D tested with a GDT of 118.
Seller Name / Verkoper: | LOUMA BOERDERY |
Number in Lot / Aantal in Lot: | 1 |
# Male / Manlik: | 1 |
ID: (Reg No/ ID No / Tag No ): | WIL20503 |
D.O.B: | 01/09/2020 |